Why You Should Be Investing in Mobile Employee Training

Why You Should Be Investing in Mobile Employee Training

You probably know the "in-store training" feeling: you’ve just had another email reminding you to take the training your boss sent you. You’ve been avoiding it because you have to either do it on the break room computer, which let’s face it, isn’t ideal anymore – thanks COVID. Or you have to find your laptop, which seems like a lot of effort for something you’ve been avoiding. You would use your phone, but it doesn’t look right when you open it.

You take a look, and it’s a PowerPoint training module that you try to get through as quickly as possible. At this point it’s pretty much a box-checking exercise for you. This isn’t about learning, it’s about going through some slides as quickly as possible.

In our experience, this is an outdated and pretty ineffective way to train people. It is also incredibly difficult to measure effectiveness, and expensive at the same time. Plus, taking people off the store floor to complete a training module takes them away from serving customers, which is far from ideal. The cost of all this really adds up when you consider the number of associates involved.

So, what’s the alternative?

As you might have guessed from the title, it’s training, but using a mobile employee training solution designed for retail. Store personnel engage with your training and updates, but on their own device. If you make something convenient, easy to use and entertaining, then people go from avoiding it to wanting to use it – or in this case, learn from it.

You’re probably wondering what qualifies us to make statements like this, which is fair. We have had a mobile training solution for a while now - in fact, last year our platform facilitated over 3 million retail trainings.

Does this really work?

Recently we asked our users if their time on SellPro helped them with their job.

SellPro - Retail Employee Training and Engagement Platform

  • Over 91% said that SellPro courses had improved their product knowledge.
  • On top of that, over 72% of users access the app on a daily basis.

So not only are they looking for training materials, but they have turned their own phone into a sales enablement tool. If you put training directly on their own mobile devices, people engage when they have a few minutes to spare, saving you both time and money. They can do this anywhere, home or in the store when it’s quiet.

By adopting a mobile-first strategy, through a platform that’s designed for the retail environment, you are not only investing in your teams, but strengthening the overall customer experience. There is a reason why people still prefer to go into a store, and having better engaged, trained store associates is one of the main drivers for that.

SellPro - Retail Employee Training and Engagement Platform

To see how our solution can work for you, find out more here or schedule a quick consultation at no cost.

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Written by Justin Layzell

Justin Layzell
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